i recently made three individual valentines day cakes for pat and while i waited for them to cool, i sampled the icing. so that was a lie. i ate lots of it. i find it ironic that i cringe at the idea of fudge because "it is just way too rich", but i have no problems whatsoever putting down a pink champagne truffle or incidentally half a tub of icing. what kind of person would i be if i didn't at least offer to share my special addiction, i mean treat with georgia. after a few tastes, it was clear to me, i needed to get us both back under control and put the lid on. you can see what gks solution to that was...

This is the funniest picture ever! I love how you can see her little teeth. A sweet treat for a sweet girl!
thanks, megan...she enjoyed this almost as much as her nutrigrain bar at her best friend's house. :)
Oh My Gosh!!! This is so freakin cute! She is adorable! love those pig tails! hee hee! -aim!
thanks, aim! she really cant wait for you to hop on allegiant and get up here!
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