georgia has always loved her brother, abe. from the time she was capable of giggling or smiling, he was always a sure bet to get those reactions. and now that her way of indicating she is "all done" with meals is to begin offering her food to the dog, she is now his favorite friend as well. they truly are buddies and we could not have asked for a better first friend for our little girl.

Ahhhh.... For anyone who knows your gentle giant, Abey Babey is the perfect best friend! I'm sure he's at her side watching every move she makes (especially at the dinner table!!). Saying that these god given creatures are "man's best friend" can sometimes be a huge misconception when you view/experience precious moments of bonding between human (in your case, daughter) and hound. These canine companions have been touching lives for centuries,hence the constellation Sirius, the Great Dog of the Stars.
Sorry we couldn't meet this past weekend. Sometime soon...
im just now over the "no trippie to c-springs" blues. spring will be here and we will be on our way there! leave the light on. love, katie
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