georgia has a best friend. and i have a wonderful friend that God conveniently brought to our base(with her husband, of course) within 7 weeks of our arrival here in summer 05 and He conveniently had her expecting her first baby just 7 weeks before me. it was her who accompanied me on "craving" runs and retail therapy. it was her who i spent countless hours devising plans to try and have a mandatory c-section before i knew the power of the almighty epidural. it was her who revealed to me within just a few hours of delivering mason that if she had only known what labor and delivery had really been like, she would have worried much much less (this was an amazing reassurance to my nervous expectant soul). yes, megan's life has been a great crystal ball as i watch her sweet mason perform what i know sweet georgia will be attempting in just a few short weeks. these two little ones love spending time together and playdates are always fun. here is a pic from today with mason reading gk a story...
I love the black and white. This is such a sweet picture. How did we manage to get the two cutest babies ever?!?!
Love this picture. The Peach's ponytails are too goofy cute!
Love, Aunt Lisa
Reading already? My is she gifted!!! I love the little peach. She is darling. Can't wait to see her and you of course. M.
thanks, m. hope your big party was a hit today! im sure it was..talk to you soon.
love, me
too cute!
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