as i post this i am completely at a loss to explain where the last 12 months have gone. they have literally defied the parameters of time and flown by in record speed. it seems as though we should have been consulted in the matter before allowing our baby to turn a year old in a matter of what seems like only brief weeks. however, we weren't consulted, have no say in the matter and sound just like every other parent under the sun who longingly looks back rather than ahead. so, i will post a few photos of our little one and give you a play by play of our celebration (afterall, you've already had a detailed commentary of the past 12 months...). we decided the most important part of her turning a year is our major accomplishment. yes, pat and i, rookies and all managed to keep the peach thriving for the first 12 months. through nap battles, ear infections, and endless poops we maintained an unflappable demeanor. sometimes. other times, i was busy leaving voice mails for pat at work with georgia screaming her head off into the phone. i just wondered what time he'd be home to save me i mean for dinner. nonetheless, the year was marked with significant joy and unmatched gratitude that He allowed us to experience the privelege of parenthood. we never knew how much fun it would be and how the love we had for one another would grow exponentially when we had our daughter. it has been easily the most amazing adventure and i cannot wait for the next chapter. so, back to birthday night. we decided to keep it low key, just under 10 adults and 6 kiddos ages 3 and under. fun. i cooked dinner, we had cake, we marveled at the chaos, and we marked the event of friends sharing in the milestone with notes written for georgia to open years down the road. (we plan to do this every year). pat and i toasted ourselves to a job fairly well done and enjoyed a nice bottle of cabernet while recalling favorite memories from the past year. we read the birthday psalm as we call it, psalm 139 and gave thanks to God for knitting her together so perfectly, planning all of her days and blessing us with a beautifully and wonderfully made baby girl. here are the photos...
OH NO KATIE! I just realized I missed my chance to write Georgia a little note. Please bring a little card to church so I can scrawl her some... err... wisdom or at least humor.
Thanks for letting us share her special day. It was wonderful.
youre too funny...i was actually debating how stupid (type a) i would look if i asked you to fill one out when we got together next. thanks for taking the pressure off! thanks for being there...you brought the f-u-n. :)
Ha ha ha... ha ha ha HAAA!!! I am still laughing! Those are classic pictures woman! I love it! My little Peach kicked some serious booty in the cake destruction department! Happy birthday once again, our little angel!!
Aunt Trishy
hey trishy,
she does share in the "circles" love of sugar! i knew you'd be proud.
I wish I could be around as she turns two. But I'll always be able to say, "I was there in the early days" or "Georgia, I remember when you were this (insert hands thing here) big."
We do love that little gal.
thanks, pk. she will always have her first and favorite babysitters...one day known as paul & brooke kind.
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