Sunday, August 19, 2007

my 16 year old self

recently a great friend and phenomenal writer, natalie, mentioned a book she had read about a number of well known women ranging from entertainers to politicians who had penned letters to their 16 year old selves with wisdom, insights and some encouragement. natalie penned one to herself on her blog and after months of thinking about it, i decided i too would do the same. here it goes:

dear 16 year old katie,

wow, you have a lot to learn. the world is so much bigger than you realize and has much more to offer than you can possibly imagine. you are wrapped up in nets of insecurity that are leading you to crossroads that you cannot handle wisely. listen, those full time frenemies of yours that you continue to involve yourself with will rarely to never cross your mind within a week of graduation and you will be blessed with friendships of the lasting kind that you have never experienced. oh, and electric blue eyeliner does not make your eyes look bluer and no one should have their hair highlighted through a cap. you look almost as ridiculous when your hair is done as you did when it was pulled through that contraption and covered in bleach.

that gut feeling you have is your strongest compass on making choices so stop doubting your own sense. those questions you have about your faith are going to plant the seeds for one that is genuine, steadfast and vibrant. however, know that wherever those doubts lead you and no matter how far and how fast you try to pursue an agnostic life, your Savior will pursue you harder. He will remind you in astounding ways that no one including you is beyond His grip and His gift of grace. you will experience the strongest waves of His mercy on your soul as you try to reconcile yourself to Him and you will be blessed. and healed. and healthy. and happy. and you will trust Him completely someday...if you were reading this, hopefully it would be sooner than later.

that boy you think you are destined to marry is clearly not the one (refer back to that inner compass) and the last person you would expect will bring you more joy and contentment with love that you cannot fathom. he will be a best friend in every sense of the word and offer gifts of respect, encouragement, compassion and understanding wrapped in layers upon layers of love. he will remind you in many ways of your dad in the way he possesses integrity and wisdom. speaking of your parents, katie, they are easily your biggest fans and greatest heroes. do not overlook all they have to offer you. you will see in just a few short years the depth of their love, faith and strength. you will come to treasure them and regard their friendships as a sacred treasure, a great gift from above.

above all, hold on. hold onto the potential of you. protect the good work that has been started and watch it grow. this is simply the beginning of a most incredible adventure. live it. love it. and let it be the greatest life it can be.

always hopeful, always there,



Anonymous said...

you continue to amaze me. Your writing is so awesome. I'm sure you received straight A's in writing class when you were 16 too. Thanks for letting us know things are good in your part of the woods.
God's Blessings,

katie said...

hey tandi,
hope all is great w/you in texas!! we will see you the next time we are down there. :)

Anonymous said...

Oh teary eyes, teary eyes. I know we didn't know each other at 16, but 18 does ring a bell. I don't think we could have ever imagined the blessings we would have bestowed upon us especially after that rowdiness and pure stupidity known as finding ourselves.... MMMM. God is good, Life is such a gift, and friends like you are just simply a treasure more precious than anything I can think of! Have a great Korean day!

About Brandon said...


We miss you guys. How do you say that in Korean?


The Bruces

PS - did I read "WAVES of His mercy" in that post? Sweet! -B