for the season. and before you get all verclempt, know that you are, too. yep. both of us. the reason for it all. i know what you're the reason?? no way, thats not what my grandma's christmas pin says or the bumper sticker or the 36th email i was supposed to forward if i loved Jesus and wanted to keep the season from all those heathens trying to take it away. oh, the heathens, yep they are the reason too. this is not an original thought of mine although once i spent an ounce of time processing it, it seems blindingly clear. afterall, there would be no christmas if there was no birth of Christ. no celebration of His birth, His selfless sacrificial decision to leave the perfect bliss of heaven and communion with His Father to join the imperfect, ugly world in desperate need of His love. if we were not sinners, lost without the changing love of this Savior, He would have had no need to join the world as a man, living a perfect life and dying a horrible death for me. and you. and every other sinner. if it weren't for us, there would be no Christmas. no birth in a dirty smelly barn full of animals. no magi travelling to present gifts. no fulfillment of what God had promised so long ago. and while the season of Christmas and every other day should be marked with gratitude, wonder, adoration and awe that our God, the Creator of the heavens and the earth would love us enough to leave His place in heaven to live a perfect life tainted with real pain, temptation, heart break, love and selfless service, if we were not in need of His redeeming love as sinners, He would not have come. i have tried to think of that this season as my paths cross with people who have yet to experience His power, His love. they are the reason. we are the reason. maybe we would be better served to insert names of people to remind us of the grace given to us in front of "reason". like "guy who just cut me off in traffic is the reason for the season" or "uncle ed who is drunk and offensive at Christmas dinner is the reason for the season" or "woman abusing her kid at walmart is the reason for the season" or "osama is the reason for the season". if it weren't for them, needing the same gift of a Savior that we needed over 200o years ago and still desperately need today, there would be no Christmas. no lives being changed. no sins being forgiven. no promise of eternal life. how thankful am i that He came. that He saw our need and came because of you and me and for you and me. and we are forever grateful.
the following is from, "When God Whispers Your Name" by Max Lucado...
"If our greatest need had been information, God would have sent an educator. If our greatest need had been technology, God would have sent us a scientist. If our greatest need had been money, God would have sent us an economist. But since our greatest need was forgiveness, "God Sent Us a Savior", by Roy Lessin.
"He became like us, so we could become like him.
Angels still sing and the star still beckons.
He loves each one of us like there was only one of us to love."