Okay, so I started the blog thing to help keep others posted on the everydays of P & K. I admit it, I stink. To give you some idea of just how terrible at this we really are, the everydays of P & K are now the everydays of P, K & G. Yes, that's right, in the time it has taken me to figure this out (ie, find time to do this), we have added to our family. Georgia Kate arrived on January 24th! So, that would account for the lack of blogging since then (still pretty weak sauce), but still doesn't account for the 3 months leading up to that...anyway, we are back. And by "we", I mean me...georgia hasn't figured out how to use the space bar with her thumbs and Patrick is swamped at work. We have recently had a steady stream of visitors to the bed & breakfast. We have learned that since the arrival of the world's cutest baby, we are now virtually non existent. We have had both grandmas, a couple of great friends from hawaii and most recently the "circle of love" visit (my 3 best friends from college...suz, aim and tersh). Another girlfriend,Heather, arrives tomorrow...we are busy, but thoroughly enjoying the guests. So, back to georgia...great name, huh? Everyone and by everyone I mean everyone who can't figure out why we would name our daughter georgia has asked if it is a family name. The answer is no. While we have some variations of the name on both sides of our family, neither of us remembered that at the time of her arrival. It happened to be the name we both liked the best that we agreed on. Of course, it is a family name now and we absolutely love it. And her of course. The whole parent adventure lends itself to infinite blog postings, but spare time is an infrequent luxury, so let me just say that I speak for both Patrick and I when I say it is unequivocally the greatest experience in both of our lives. We have never experienced mind numbing joy like this and thank God daily for bestowing on us the greatest gift we could ever imagine. We try and remain mindful that she belongs to Him first and foremost and has been entrusted to us. With that understanding, we are doing the best we can to be honorable stewards of His amazing gift. To say we adore her is like saying cold stone creamery is decent ice cream. It is beyond adoration. It is beyond anything I have ever known. We have yet to find the words to adequately convey how we feel for her. I will say that we love her with an entire part of our hearts we didn't know existed. It is so full, so content and in complete awe of her. God gives us so many illustrations of His perfect love for us, whether it be in the unconditional love of a parent, the adoring eyes and love of a spouse or the ultimate sacrifice of His perfect Son. I can say I have experienced so many illustrations of His love for us, but it wasn't until I held her in my arms that I was given the clearest picture yet. Holding her and gazing into her perfect eyes, I began to understand the overwhelming magnitude of His sacrifice. It is something I cannot wrap my brain around...His love for us being so great that He would let His Son endure what He did. Surely, the love of our Father is beyond what we can fathom, His endless grace beyond what we can imagine. Yes, He is good. He is perfect. He is holy. He is love. We are forever grateful.
Nice use of "weak sauce"!
Glad you're back in the game.
thanks, pk, and glad you found us...and the time to check it out. how many more wake ups?? :)
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