Just imagine eating the same thing for 4 entire months with no vote in what it is. Now imagine you have to eat it 5-10 times a day, throughout the night, whenever you feel a tinge of hunger. I can't imagine being hungry and screaming and having the same meal again and again and again. I imagine there were some disappointments at first, craving and hoping for something different only to be offered the same boring thing over and over and over. If only it could be explained, if only you could be encouraged to hold on, it will get better. Finally, one day, you feel that hunger pain, you exercise your right as a baby and you wail (at least if your Georgia, you wail, there are no whimpers or subtle indications of hunger) and then you wait for that gourmet bottle you have come to expect, but then, without warning you are put in a bouncy seat with something fresh and clean secured around your neck (its never been used!) and you realize something is definitely different. Mom and Dad are beaming and video taping! What?? Could it be something new and fabulous...with TASTE??? In great anticipation, you scream louder thinking "get that new meal over here!" And so, they do, with great joy and an audience of 10 friends no less, sit down and start the process. You wait and hope and then, "what is this? a thicker version of what I've been sucking down day in and day out for 4 months." You protest, spitting it out the first few times only to realize it really isn't getting better and mom and dad really aren't willing to give up...afterall, there is an audience and they, too, have been counting the days until they can give this variation of sustenance...this feast. Ultimately, you decide, there are no other options on the horizon and therefore eat and eat and eat and occasionally chew on the spoon(perhaps contemplating how far you can fling the rice cereal)and Mom and Dad are convinced you love it and vow to make it part of your daily routine for several more months.
What a beautiful baby! Cherish every moment because before you know it, they are all grown up! She is a precious gift and you and Patrick will be the best parents! God Bless!
Much Love,
so great to hear from you...i really can't believe how fast the time has gone...dj graduating?? crazy!
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