we had an outstanding Christmas day celebrating the birth of Jesus. pat and i are both anxious for peach to begin understanding the real meaning of the day and participate in all the traditions...this year she was in bed when we read the Christmas story on Christmas Eve and we decided to forgo the birthday cake for baby Jesus as i knew it would be yours truly putting down the majority of it. we enjoyed a candle light service on Christmas Eve until
georgia announced at 8 pm that she wanted her '
paci and crib'...with that we hummed joy to the world and made a quick exit out the back. while trying to buy ourselves a few more minutes in the lobby she continued asking for her
paci (which we conveniently left at home) until finally a fellow mama rocking her infant in the universal spot for disruptive children said she had an extra that we could have. i gratefully accepted while hoping that her baby
wasnt carrying any major viruses and gave the
paci to
georgia. she still has it in her possession and refers to it as 'some babies'
paci. she
didnt wake up until 9 on Christmas day and we, as all well meaning parents do promptly ushered her to the tree to begin opening her gifts...no time to waste, we had a meal to prepare for 10 friends spending the day with us. here are a few pics of the morning...truly a great family day....minus a whole lot of family we are missing.

Happy Holidays!!
You all look great!! Did you get my Christmas card yet?! If not, it's on the way! Hey, Sorry about calling you all at uhhh.. 2AM a few weeks back. I was so excited to have your phone number that I completely forgot about the time change! But your mom filled me in on what's new with Pat and Katie (and Peaches too!) What's this about a book club? I choked on my morning coffee when your mom giggled out that you had joined a book club (as in a reading book club?!) What do people do during those meetings? My vision is that ladies sit around drinking fine wine while discussing character's traits or arguing about hidden author's messages within the story. What's it really like?
I'm happy to hear you all are headed home this spring.... and to DC too!! A "Hawaii Gang" reunion just might have to happen!!
I'm so excited to see that my future daughter-in-law is as cute as ever! Man do you two know how to make them! Roman is starting to worry that he won't have as cute of a future spouse (Christian has dibs on Georgia) so you better get to pro-creating :)
Love to you!
How did the pomegranate margaritas turn out?
I went out and bought another 5 or so paci's to add to our ever growing collection. How is it that we can own 15 and never find ONE when we really need one?
Great pictures of peach.
BTW, I was very excited tonight to get another fix of hazelnut dream...and....they were out of it!!! It is the flavor of the MONTH, and last time I checked, it is STILL December! I demanded to speak to the manager to no avail (just kidding). I had to settle for chocolate peanut butter.
I LOVE her pink skirt. Pity they don't make those in misses sizes.
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