We just had one of the best 4 day weekends ever. there was nothing too extraordinary about it, just the amount of time we were able to spend as a family that made it so great. the decision to not go out of town was definitely the right decision and gave us a chance to just relax. the weekend entailed date night, family naps, retail therapy, a block party and a day trip to devils tower. date night took us to a really great new restaraunt for the second weekend in a row and ended with smores and friends at our place. our day trip to devils tower was a great escape for the day and after visiting, its a must see for this part of the country. devils tower (the first national park, i learned ) is a really beautiful place and with its extreme height, unique shape and suprising location, its no wonder why the native americans consider it sacred. we ended up doing the hike around the tower meeting a lot of people along the way (its amazing how many strangers stop and chat to people with a cute baby) and occasionally stopping to watch the climbers (a few of the 15, 000 crazy people that make the ascent annually). how spectacular their view must be! the trail winds its way past astounding overlooks that reveal the vast rolling hills of the area as well as perfectly shaded areas framed by trees and boulders. the sky could not have been any bluer, the trees any greener or the weather more perfect. it was a sneak peak preview of what is to come with my favorite fall days just around the corner. we are already planning a trip back in the fall so we can take in the bright colors of the season from such a spectacular vantage point. it is a perfect place to visit, soak up and thank God for all that He has so perfectly created.

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