We had a pretty eventful weekend as a family and it wasn't just the putt putt and coffee date on Friday, the work day on Saturday, sharing the evening with friends and the firepit on Saturday night or even a great morning at church and time together on Sunday afternoon. Nope. Those were fun, an opportunity for us to share life together and with friends, but the significant milestones took place in a far more spontaneous fashion. So, for weeks now, georgia has been attempting to outgrow us. "Us" meaning her parents. The ones who resist every milestone because it means she is getting older. Yes, we are a bit crazy, but unlike a lot of our friends who just tried to get through the first few months, to endure the period of sleepless nights and newborness (and all that it entails), Pat and I have loved it. Truly. At one point I even said, "if sleeping through the night means she has to grow up, then just keep letting us wake up". Recently, I have resisted the longing for her to not change and am trying to embrace the new stages, the ones where she doesn't need my lap and arms to help her sit up. The amazing thing is that I love this new stage too. On a side note, among all of the unsolicited "wisdom" and well meaning "advice" we received while I was pregnant, one that has consistently rung true is "every stage they get to will become your new favorite." I doubted this very seriously, because I just loved the newborn, fit in my arm and snuggle all day phase and couldn't imagine anything more wonderful. Until she smiled, then giggled, then laughed so hard at herself she could hardly breathe, and finally where we are today, celebrating her two latest milestones. On Saturday afternoon, she was again on the floor at the office where we were hanging out with friends (i was hanging out, Pat was slaving away on some intense landscaping with the other husbands) when I left the room for a minute. I mean less than a minute, like 30 seconds. Upon my return a friend mentioned that "oh, I didn't know georgia started crawling". WHAT?? I didn't either. For a week, she's been rocking back and forth, falling, laughing and doing the whole routine over again. Anyway, apparently, she crawled. Three steps to be exact. I was disappointed I missed it, but considered it God's punishment for all the references I had been making to knocking her over when I saw her trying to crawl in an attempt to slow all steps to mobility. (I never really knocked her over and now wish maybe I would have just once so that her first time crawling would have been when I was in the room to witness it.) Anyway, when I picked her up to congratulate her and more importantly make me feel like I was somehow a part of the event I had just missed, I noticed something small in her mouth. I reached into retrieve it like any good mother would only to realize it was a tooth! WHAT?? Now she has teeth? Great, pretty soon she will be running around with a steak in her hand. For the past two months, I've sworn she was teething. All of the obvious signs from the "experts" were there. Some drool (but not the buckets everyone made it sound like she'd have), and of course everything went into her mouth. However, we were missing the fever, diaper rash and fussiness. I'm not complaining though, just trying to defend how I could have missed the arrival of her first tooth. :) So, there you have it. The peach is now mobile and in possession of one tooth. While she is busy practicing her latest crawl technique, I'm busy teaching Abraham how to gently herd babies. Wish me luck.